Our company's profile
Most of the companies within the Kamphuisen Group focus on capital investments and participations in the leisure and shipping industry. Among these, Kamphuisen Shipping and Kamphuisen Projects play a more active role and offer a wider range of services in the shipping industry in general. Kamphuisen Shipping is a well-known shipping agent and acts as an exclusive agent for several Dutch shipping lines (Agency & Cruises) Within Kamphuisen Projects we take care of the design & project management - more popular: we built ships....(Design & Projects) However, the company group is specialized in inland shipping; or to be even more specific: in river cruising. As we operate in a very small team we are familiar with our clients and their needs.
Our history in a view
Coming from a house of bargemen, the Kamphuisen family started in the early 1950's - as one of the first to organize and offer river cruises. In the beginning of the 21th century, the company has grown to one of the leading and largest river cruise companies in Europe. Years ago we reviewed our ideas, opportunities and strengths. This led to a complete reorganisation of the company. At the same time we disposed of the operational side. Ever since, we only focus on advising and accompanying our partners to realize their projects and ideas.